Maternity + Motherhood


There’s something both powerful yet so serene about an expectant mother- in all of her wonder, beyond the morning sickness and the exhausted, sometimes disheveled days. This is a precious, fleeting time to reflect on. Though the days are long, the months will pass ever so quickly. Your baby will arrive before you know it. Motherhood is truly something special worth celebrating in a million ways!

As your littles grow up, I offer Motherhood Sessions so you can look back on the days and years that seem to sneak right by. Whether we decide to visit a field of flowers in full bloom, meet at some majestic oak trees with low branches perfect for climbing on, or simply walk the beach at sunset…. environment can make all the difference when it comes to keeping kids effortlessly engaged for photos. I like to keep the mood lighthearted and often times, in motion as children so naturally are. There’s no expectation to “sit still” or “look at the camera and smile”. That means there’s no need for you to stress over the details, Mama! All you have to do is get pretty, show up and be completely present while interacting and having fun. Just soak it all in and I will take care of the rest- guaranteeing a super sweet and memorable experience for you both!